Friday, October 20, 2017

Experiences with Blogging

Blogging has always been something that I've wanted to do. I started a personal blog a while back, but with school I have yet to write more than 3 entries. I think this may be a great opportunity to get myself into a schedule with blogging and hopefully try to blog personally more often. 
   In my experience, blogging has always taken me through a range of emotions. I think it's a lot of fun to do. It's exciting to think about others reading your blog and seeing what they think of it. One of the hardest things for me is creating a story through blogging that sends the point I want to put across. I want to be able to help others get the feelings I was had while I wrote it or experienced. Another thing I've wanted to do is to tell stories that were so compelling, that others would want to ensure they tuned it week after week. However, to be honest blogging is not something that's on the top of my list to accomplish. Which kind of adds the reasoning as to why I previously have not kept up with blogs I've created previously.
   When it comes to blogging and using it in the classroom, I believe it's a great tool for students! For some students, it may be much easier to type than to write on paper. This may allow them to get more work done much faster than writing. I know that's certainly the case for me. I write very heavy when I write and it takes me a while. However, with typing, I am much faster. Another nice aspect with blogging is that English Language Learners may have an easier time writing in a blog. When you misspell something on the blog, you get the red squiggly line stating that it's misspelled. This can be useful for self-correction. The only issue is that if your sentence is not grammatically correct, the blog will not show you that. Finally, another thing that's great about blogging is that students feel like they will have voice for anyone to hear.
   When it comes to quality blogs, I feel that there should be a well told story. Well told stories do not necessarily have a specific length. In my experiences, I've ran across blogs that are both short and somewhat long. However, I've never seen one more than two or three pages.
   I have linked a couple blogs that I find interesting. Blogs that deal with science really engage me and give me lots of food for thought on what I'd like to do in my classroom.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so glad that you are game to try out blogging. I think that you point out some advantages to typing especially if learners type in word first so that spelling and grammar issues can be pointed out prior to their posting. I look forward to seeing your account of your experiences with the book you are reading for this class.
